

Things I Saw/Held/Ate, self-published, 2020.

8 AUGUST, Vegetarian Alcoholic Press, 2019.

For Your Unfurling, self-published, 2019.

All This Blue, All This Broken, Iron Point Press, 2018.

i copy your copy, collaboration with jen hofer for dusie kollectiv, 2015.

P O E T X T S, Imaginary Friend Press, 2015.

Poems Without a Single Word in Them (Gertrude Stein Did This To Me), self-published, 2012.

Dear Beloveds, self-published, 2011.

Manifesto of the Naive/Confessions of the Neoconfessionalists/A Design for the New Romance,  (featuring spanish translation by Heriberto Yepez), self-published, 2010.

The Aching Details, collaboration with milo caven, self-published, 2008.

I’m Still Here, self-published, 2007.

Notes From Mouse Girl, self-published, 2003.

(please contact me if you’d like a copy of any of the titles from 2010 forward)


“Ambition,” Being and Becoming, Thoreau College Press, 2020.

“I Pledge Allegiance to the Holy Filaments of Sunset,” First 100 Days – Election day 2020, Iron Point Press, 2020.

“Eulogy For a Whale,” “Pouring the Prayer,” “Ocean/Ashtray,” “Spell for Healing a Favorite Body of Water,” Changing Tides, Pact Press, 2020.

“You Take it With You,” Casita Poems, Jambu Press, 2019.

“i never heard a river,” Leaf Litter #7: Unwalking the West, 2018.

“dear beloveds,” The Phoenix Soul #56, 2016.

“list (things this poem could be about),” “partitioning”, Dark Mountain #6, 2014.

“water log”, Leaf Litter #4, 2014.

“poetxt 4,” “poetxt 11,” “poetxt 12,” “poetxt 16” “six kilometers,” “consider the soup can,” “when you dream of a house, the house represents your body,”Adrienne: A Poetry Journal of Queer Women #1, 2014.

“Heteroglossia,” Dangerous Sweetness, 2012.

“I’m not Afraid of Dying, I’m Afraid of Dying Alone,” “Gift of Igneous Rock,” “What it was Like Trying to Resuscitate,” Flanuer Foundry #2, 2010.

“Our Sex Talk,” “For Lent,” “Dear Jaundice,” “Fifty Cent Pieces Slid Under Pillows,” Flanuer Foundry #1, 2009.

To Kill a Mockingbird text translation, Text Masterpiece Library, 2009.

“The Thread,” “Things Found,” “Things Never Found,” Ocho #22,  2009.

“Three Postcards Between Here and There,” Apothecary/Fact-Simile, 2008.

“Liberation Dress,” Voicecatcher #2, 2007.

“Janina Siedlewski,” Voicecatcher #1, 2006.

“Dirt,” “Before Cell Phones,” Blackthorn, 2002.

“Home-Sweet-Home Poem,” “Car Cult,” Madison Insurgent #4, 2001.

“Basil,” HeartattaCk #23, 1999.

“Not Really Better,” Analecta #24, 1998.

Notes From the Choking Girl, self-published, 1998.


“First 100 Days,” First 100 Days, Iron Point Press, 2018.

“We’re Fabulousness,” Tiger Stripes: Bodies, 2015.

“Cartography of Us,” Trans-Kin Anthology, 2012.